
Yay! Finally we are here, Santa Teresa in Rio de Janeiro. After a long trip and a lost passport (I will tell you more about the actual trip later) we arrived here at Saturday night. The weather is nice, about 26 centigrades and a clear sky… a bit better than in Sweden i suppose 😉

The days pass by really fast, there is stuff to do all the time and the people are open and nice. Last night the Brazilian group had their Intercultural Evening, meaning they showed off some really cool Brazilian dancing, handed out Capirinhas and taught us about their way of life.

Today we went to one of the Farvelhas, which was really interesting too see from the inside, we also went to Spectaculo, a school for kids who wants to learn about acting, photography, filming and graphic design amongst other things. Unfortunately i cant show you any pictures yet, but I hope to be able to upload some later on.

Until next time, live the LifeLife / Nicklas

Published by Nicklas

Namnet Àr Nicklas, föddes i SollefteÄ nÄdens Är 1985. Tycker om att ta livet som det kommer och inte oroa sig sÄ mycket om lÄngtidsplanering, vad ska sÄdant vara bra för? Lev vÀl, HeppÄre!

3 replies on “Brazil!”

  1. HĂ€rligt! LĂ„ter som ni har det himla bra. Fast vĂ€dret hĂ€r Ă€r inte sĂ„ hemskt heller… ser inte ut sĂ„ frĂ„n min plats pĂ„ jobbet iaf… :/
    Ha det bra och synd att du missar midsommar!

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