Just taking it easy.

For some of us life is about adventures, about stretching your own limits, about going to countries you’ve been dreaming of as long as you can remember, and for some of us, life is about just enjoying the small things.

For the moment I belong to the last category, just enjoying the small things. The feeling of sliding down into a hot bath after a hard weeks work, in a bathroom lit only by candlelight, sipping on something cold and good brings me the kind of satisfaction I am sure that some people feel when they end a marathon run in record time.

I end with a quote about lifelife:

“Lifelife is about joy. Real joy. The joy you feel when you are doing something that you and just you want to do. Right here and right now.”

Take care and live well / Nicklas

Published by Nicklas

Namnet är Nicklas, föddes i Sollefteå nådens år 1985. Tycker om att ta livet som det kommer och inte oroa sig så mycket om långtidsplanering, vad ska sådant vara bra för? Lev väl, Heppåre!

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